Male Hair Loss

Sexism in Men We tend to underestimate the prevalence of baldness. Prevent more hair loss right away. The more hair you get to keep, the sooner you act.



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Hair fall threatens Relationships in Singapore

Seven per cent of Singaporeans would contemplate breaking off relations with their partners, and a further 10 per cent would be embarrassed about introducing their partners to friends and family, if their partners were suffering from hair loss.

These were the findings of a study which sought to understand the perceptions of Singaporeans towards the hairy issue of balding.

The survey also found that hair loss negatively affects first impression.

The study was commissioned by Dr. Kurt Wolff GmbH, inventors of Alpecin, a caffeine-based shampoo formula for the prevention of hair loss.The study polled 600 Singaporean respondents aged 25 years and older, between August and September 2013.
Sources  !

We were supposed to be Fearless, not Hairless.

Consultation fees and drug price markups are things of the past when you work with us. The expense of looking well shouldn’t be greater than your morning coffee.


Loss Prevention

In some cases, MPB can be inherited. Even if you currently have a full head of hair, taking preventative measures might be beneficial if you know your family has a history of baldness. The sooner you act, the more of your hair you can save.


"M-shaped" hairstyle

This is the classic “M-shaped” hairline, where the hair recedes to reveal more of the forehead. This is more frequent in males than women and is caused by both heredity and aging.


Thinning volume all over

There’s still time to prevent complete scalp exposure! It is still possible to keep or even regenerate your hair with the aid of a long-term medication strategy.


Bald part

Top-of-the-head baldness is a common condition. If the condition is not addressed, the spots will grow, eventually spreading across the entire scalp. The earlier you begin therapy, the less severe your condition will become.

Treatment Plan Hair Loss



$90.00 – $220.00

Clinical studies have shown that minoxidil, the original treatment for male pattern baldness, can regenerate hair in as little as three to six months. Does that work?



$95.00 – $195.00

Regaine treats hair loss in men and women. Clinically proven to stop hair loss and encourage hair growth. Only one US-approved topical minoxidil solution is in Singapore.

Finasteride 1mg

Finasteride 1mg

$65.00 – $160.00

Falling hairline? Thinner all over? This medication, taken once daily, has been shown in clinical studies to either stimulate hair growth or slow its loss.

Regaine: The Secret to Real Hair Growth.

Losing your hair might be upsetting, but it shouldn’t be used as an excuse for who you are. Regaine is a revolutionary product that promotes hair growth and helps to stop hair loss. Regaine is the go-to solution for folks who want to reclaim their hair and confidence since it is effective, easy to use, and works for all hair types. Pick Regaine, and you’ll be one step closer to a future with thicker, healthier hair.

In that case, why delay any longer? Regaine can help you get started on the path to hair restoration now.


Frequently Asked Questions About Hair Loss

If your doctor recommends it, you can take minoxidil in conjunction with finasteride or laser therapy to address hair loss. While combining therapies may yield better outcomes, doing so without first seeing a medical expert is not recommended.

You may see a reversal of the medication-induced hair growth if you discontinue use of Minoxidil. Baldness or thinning hair may progress back to its normal rate. Consistently using Minoxidil as directed is essential for keeping the results.

Both men and women can take Minoxidil successfully. However, there may be a difference in the optimal Minoxidil dosage according on gender. The average male uses 5% concentration, whereas the average female uses 2%. The composition and concentration you select should be tailored to your gender and individual requirements.

Although everyone responds differently, most users show results after just 12 weeks of regular use. It’s crucial to be patient and dedicated to the therapy, since substantial regrowth may take up to 24 weeks.

Regaine’s effectiveness in restoring hair growth has been documented most frequently in regions of the scalp where hair is thinning but not entirely bald. Hair regrowth on fully bald spots may not be as successful. Your chances of seeing positive results with Regaine are maximized the sooner you begin using it.

The regrown hair will probably weaken and fall out during the next several months if you stop using Regaine. This is due to the fact that Regaine is only effective when administered regularly. Continuous usage is necessary to preserve the benefits of hair regeneration.

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